CAD Information Definition


Each CAM CAD software package creates its own unique file format, however the type of information needed by the Keysight 3070 is the same. To create a 3070 fixture and program, the following CAD information is needed:

The above information can be located in a single database file or a multiple of output text files depending on the cad system used. The preferred method of data translation is to obtain the CAD Database output file. This file contains all of the information needed by the 3070. The table below shows  some of the most common CAD systems and their associated database files.

CAD System

File Extension

Accel EDA, Tango .PCB
Allegro .PIN
Cadence/Valid Allegro BRD, PAD, SYM and RTE
Calay .PCB
Mentor Neutral .NET, .NEU
Protel .PCB

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